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The meadows of Almenland Nature Park are not untouched, but are rather a tranche of nature enhanced by careful human design. The people here have learned to steer nature’s power to their use, while respecting its creation. People in Almenland Nature Park live consciously, know their strengths and use them to bring nature and the community together. Fundamental tasks such as the protection of nature, recreation, education and regional development all have equal priority and come together to make Almenland Nature Park a model sustainable region.

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Luftaufnahme © Tourismusverband Naturpark Almenland

The trademark features of the region include lovingly tended meadows along valleys and slopes as well as forested landscapes and imposing rock walls, ravines and canyons. Maintaining this variety, protecting aspects under threat and promoting a careful restoration of that which has been lost, count amongst the goals of the national park. 


Kirche St. Kathrein © C. Pollhammer

The Almenland Nature Park has also developed into a leading tourist region, with almost 200,000 overnight stays. In Almenland Nature Park, locals and guests can all enjoy the recreational value as well as the high environmental and lifestyle quality. Today Almenland is a popular destination for young and old, with walking trails, sports facilities and a tremendous range of excursions, like the summer toboggan run in Koglhof, the caves in Arzberg or the many possibilities in nearby Graz.


Wandern Jause Bründlalm © B. Bergmann

Almenland also presents its culinary side in a very tasteful, and tasty, manner. It is one of many aspects of local life in which quality is always the priority. Wherever you see an Almenland Farmers’ Seal of Quality, you can rest assured that you will receive the finest quality meats from the region. There are over 3000 cattle on the alpine pastures whose meat is assured not only by strict quality standards but also by their quality of life on the summer meadows. The ALMO beef is the flagship product of the region. Each ALMO producer is therefore a premium beef specialist of the highest level. Additionally, great importance is placed on further regional products like honey, pasta and herbs, chocolate and the heavenly distilled spirits of the region.


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